Many people have accounts with different mutual fund companies, and receive numerous statements, which can be a burden. One way to lessen paperwork is to consolidate assets into a brokerage account. Most major brokerage firms offer a brokerage account, which they may also call an Asset Management Account. Below are some of the features and benefits provided by a Pershing Brokerage Account, offered by Jersey Benefits Advisors, which include:
· Consolidated statement which shows all investments including money market funds, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, unit investment trusts, partnerships, brokered CD’s and annuities
· Daily sweep of idle cash into a money market account
· Available borrowing power for Margin approved accounts
· Procash checking services
· Free ACH transactions from checking to brokerage and from brokerage to checking
· Electronic funds transfer services
· Free dividend reinvestment
· Direct deposit of payroll, social security, pension checks, etc.
· Online access to account information
· Access to numerous mutual funds from different investment companies as well as variable annuities* from many insurance companies
· Systematic investment into mutual funds in order to purchase shares on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis utilizing dollar cost averaging
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through my websites listed below.
John Kaighn is a Registered Investment Advisor with Jersey Benefits Advisors and writes articles on various business and investment information, ideas and opportunities. For more information about this and other topics you can visit Jersey Benefits Advisors and The Kaighn Report
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Brokerage Account Features
money market,
mutual funds,
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